Usui REIKI Training
At The Reiki Expert™, we teach Reiki in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition which means Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing.
Below is a very high-level summary of the 'collection of topics' taught in each level of Reiki training seminar. Each collection of topic covers multiple sub-topics that are related to and grouped for that specific collection.
Each training seminar includes its level specific manual and an attunement, a life-time access to updated manuals online, meditational tracks and music online, and a 1-on-1 personal support from the Reiki Grand Master "The Reiki Expert" for your personal and spiritual development and growth on this amazing path and journey of energy healing. A unique certificate confirming your attunement level is generally accompanied by and follows a full and successful completion of the entire training curriculum and the knowledge to effectively practice Reiki at that specific level.
It is critical to note that both a successful completion of a given training seminar and its subsequent attunement are required to receive its level-specific professional certificate.
Reiki attunements for all levels, once received, are good for lifetime and one does NOT need to be re-attuned for the same level of attunement once received. Similarly, one doesn't "lose" his or her ability to channel Reiki energy. However, as in almost any healing modality, one's ability to effectively channel Reiki energy depends to some extent on his/her daily practice, personal habits, and self-development, and spiritual growth.
We also provide distance training and attunement while using the same manual and training curriculum that we use in an in-person training and attunement. This is to ensure people with all the walks of life, lifestyle, locations, and abilities can learn Reiki at their convenience and pace and enjoy its benefits.
To get more specific information about the curriculum, charges, and duration and/or to schedule a Reiki training seminar, please contact us.
Reiki Level 1: A collection of topics taught at this level include:
Introduction to Reiki, its history, how does it work.
The five principles of Usui Reiki and preparing for Reiki.
Anatomical illustrations for Reiki.
Reiki self-treatment, how to prepare yourself and give Reiki to yourself.
Reiki self-healing hand positions.
Preparing others for Reiki and treating others with Reiki.
Rapid Reiki treatment and ultradian rhythm.
Giving group Reiki.
Reiki, pregnancy, babies, and children.
Reiki to animals, plants and vegetation, foods, and drinks.
Reiki Level 2: A collection of topics taught at this level include:
Three pillars of Reiki and new possibilities of using Reiki at level 2.
Three secret and sacred Reiki symbols and how and when to draw and use them.
Distance or absent healing (i.e., without limitations of time and distance) and various methods to use them.
Combining Reiki with other healing disciplines and modalities.
Summary of chakras and five hands-on experiential demonstrations.
Thirty-one special tips to become the most effective Advanced Reiki Practitioner (ARP) and a healer.
Reiki Level 3a (also called Reiki Master Practitioner or RMP): A collection of topics taught at this level include:
7 major chakras, their properties, and their meditation.
21 minor etheric chakras.
7 auric layers and their related chakras.
Reiki and symbolism,
Traditional Usui Reiki master symbol.
Non-traditional Usui Reiki master symbols.
The Reiki attunement ceremony, Hui Yin, and violet breath.
16 additional non-traditional powerful Reiki healing symbols.
TRE (The Reiki Expert) technique of deep aura cleansing or psychic attack removal.
TRE (The Reiki Expert) technique of psychic surgery.
Critical information to heal as a Reiki Master Practitioner or RMP.
More advanced Reiki techniques.
Goal manifestation through symbol meditation.
Karmic clearance and magnificent healing.
TRE (The Reiki Expert) meditation for the Reiki Master Practitioner or RMP.
Chakras: balanced/imbalanced, child and adult state, open/closed/distorted shapes, balance/affirm, etc.
Various meditations and breathing techniques.
Summary grid of all level 3A advanced healing symbols.
Reiki Level 3b (also called Reiki Master Teacher or RMT): A collection of topics taught at this level include the following AND the Karuna Reiki levels 1, 2, Master 1 and Master 2.
Karuna Reiki - symbols for all four levels and their application
Hui-Yin point, kundalini raising, and violet breath
Using Hui-Yin in a Reiki attunement
Reiki initiation preparation for attunements
Full process of attunement for various Usui and Karuna Reiki levels
Healing attunement
Daily Master meditation
Self, distant, and practice attunements
Code of conduct for Usui Reiki Masters
Values that bring success to all levels
Exploration of ancient origins of Reiki
Your Reiki Master lineage chart
Reiki Level 4 (also called Reiki Grand Master or GM): A collection of topics taught at this level include:
Science of symbology
Science of attunement
Master Grid
Science of Trataka
Reiki Level 3b (RMT) attunement
Additional Reiki Grand Master level (Three) symbols
Please read carefully the information in the Reiki training seminar flyers below, note slightly increased amount of the training fees if paid by PayPal, Venmo, etc., and then using that information, fill in the "TRE - Student Registration Form" below the flyers to register for a given single or bundled Reiki learning seminar. Call The Reiki Expert at 630-932-4115 if you have any questions or needed additional information or help with the registration process. Thank you and see you there in our Reiki training seminars!
* IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT OUR REIKI TRAINING SEMINAR FEES: Please note in the flyers below that the training seminars cost a little more if paid for on the platforms such as PayPal, Venmo, etc. This is simply because the additional service fees they charge to process your payment. We simply pass it on to you!
It is for this reason, we prefer that you pay ideally by Zelle (a bank to bank instant payment platform that does NOT charge any additional fees to you or us) at, OR, in an exceptional case, in cash at the door on the first day of the seminar before the seminar begins.
We sincerely hope this information helps you in effectively choosing your best payment option!
To view the information in both the pages of the flyers below, bring your "mouse pointer" on to (e.g., in the center of) the flyer and then scroll down all the way until the end of the flyer on page 2!